Bayesian hierachical deconvolution of neural signals

So far we have used _frequentist_ methods to estimate the GLMs and deconvolve neural signals.

An alternative statistical paradigm is _Bayesian_ estimation. For a solid, readable introduction into Bayesian statistics, please see the puppy book by John K. Kruschke or the `Bayesian Methods for Hackers<>`_ -book.

With nideconv, you can estimate _Hierachical_ GLMs using the Bayesian framework. This is possible by using Markov Chain Monte Calro sampling using the NUTS (no U-turn sampler) implemented in STAN <>.

First we again simulate som data. To make it interesting, we have a ‘Correct’ and ‘Error’-condition. Importantly, every run has only 1-6 Error trials

from nideconv import simulate
conditions = [{'name':'Correct', 'mu_group':.25, 'std_group':.1, 'n_trials':16},
              {'name':'Error', 'mu_group':.5, 'std_group':.1, 'n_trials':(1,6)}]

data, onsets, pars = simulate.simulate_fmri_experiment(conditions,

First, we fit this data using the traditional frequentist GLM with Fourier basis functions:

from nideconv import GroupResponseFitter
gmodel = GroupResponseFitter(data, onsets, input_sample_rate=1/1.5, concatenate_runs=False)
gmodel.add_event('Correct', basis_set='fourier', n_regressors=9, interval=[0, 21])
gmodel.add_event('Error', basis_set='fourier', n_regressors=9, interval=[0, 21])

We fit the model using ridge regression'ridge', alphas=[1.0])

The response we estimate for the group looks pretty good.


However, the response estimates for different indivdiuals (solid lines) are quite off from the ground truth (dotted lines)

# Now we plot for every subject the estimated HRF
fac = gmodel.plot_subject_timecourses(ci=95, col_wrap=3, size=10, legend=False, n_boot=100)

# ...and the underlying ground truth
import seaborn as sns
from nideconv.utils import convolve_with_function
import numpy as np

t = np.linspace(0, 21, 21*20)
hrf = np.zeros_like(t)
hrf[0] = 1
hrf = convolve_with_function(hrf, 'double_hrf', 20)

for subject, ax in enumerate(fac[0].axes.ravel()):
    subject += 1
    ax.plot(t, hrf * pars.loc[subject, 'Correct'].amplitude, ls='--', lw=1.5, c=sns.color_palette()[0])
    ax.plot(t, hrf * pars.loc[subject, 'Error'].amplitude, ls='--', lw=1.5, c=sns.color_palette()[1])

We convert the GroupResponseModel to a HierarchicalBayesianModel and estimate posterior distributions by MCMC sampling:

from nideconv import HierarchicalBayesianModel
model = HierarchicalBayesianModel.from_groupresponsefitter(gmodel)

Plot the individual subject time courses and their Bayesian credible interval (CI)

fac = model.plot_subject_timecourses(col_wrap=3, legend=False)

# plot ground truth
for subject, ax in enumerate(fac.axes.ravel()):
    subject += 1
    ax.plot(t, hrf*pars.loc[subject, 'Correct'].amplitude, ls='--', lw=1.5, color=sns.color_palette()[0])
    ax.plot(t, hrf*pars.loc[subject, 'Error'].amplitude, ls='--', lw=1.5, color=sns.color_palette()[1])

The Hierarchical Bayesian model performs better in estimating individuals HRFs because it # is regularized: it shrinks the estimates for subjects with little errors towards the group mean.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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