Source code for nideconv.utils.roi

import pandas as pd
from nilearn import input_data
import nibabel as nb
from nilearn._utils import check_niimg
from nilearn import image
import numpy as np

def extract_timecourse_from_nii(atlas,
    Extract time courses from a 4D `nii`, one for each label 
    or map in `atlas`,

    This method extracts a set of time series from a 4D nifti file
    (usually BOLD fMRI), corresponding to the ROIs in `atlas`.
    It also performs some minimal preprocessing using 
    It is especially convenient when using atlases from the


    atlas: sklearn.datasets.base.Bunch  
        This Bunch should contain at least a `maps`-attribute
        containing a label (3D) or probabilistic atlas (4D),
        as well as an `label` attribute, with one label for
        every ROI in the atlas.
        The function automatically detects which of the two is
        provided. It extracts a (weighted) time course per ROI.
        In the case of the probabilistic atlas, the voxels are
        weighted by their probability (see also the Mappers in

    nii: 4D niimg-like object
        This NiftiImage contains the time series that need to
        be extracted using `atlas`

    mask: 3D niimg-like object
        Before time series are extracted, this mask is applied,
        can be useful if you want to exclude non-gray matter.

    confounds: CSV file or array-like, optional
        This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. Please 
        see the related documentation for details.
        shape: (number of scans, number of confounds)

    atlas_type: str, optional
        Can be 'labels' or 'probabilistic'. A label atlas
        should be 3D and contains one unique number per ROI.
        A Probabilistic atlas contains as many volume as 
        Usually, `atlas_type` can be detected automatically.

    t_r, float, optional
        Repetition time of `nii`. Can be important for
        temporal filtering.

    low_pass: None or float, optional
        This parameter is passed to signal.clean. Please see the related
        documentation for details

    high_pass: None or float, optional
        This parameter is passed to signal.clean. Please see the related
        documentation for details


    >>> from nilearn import datasets
    >>> data = '/data/ds001/derivatives/fmriprep/sub-01/func/sub-01_task-checkerboard_bold.nii.gz'
    >>> atlas = datasets.fetch_atlas_pauli_2017()
    >>> ts = extract_timecourse_from_nii(atlas,
    >>> ts.head()


    standardize = kwargs.pop('standardize', False)
    detrend = kwargs.pop('detrend', False)

    if atlas_type is None:
        maps = check_niimg(atlas.maps)

        if len(maps.shape) == 3:
            atlas_type = 'labels'
            atlas_type = 'prob'

    if atlas_type == 'labels':
        masker = input_data.NiftiLabelsMasker(atlas.maps,
                                              *args, **kwargs)
        masker = input_data.NiftiMapsMasker(atlas.maps,
                                            *args, **kwargs)

    data = _make_psc(nii)

    results = masker.fit_transform(data,

    # For weird atlases that have a label for the background
    if len(atlas.labels) == results.shape[1] + 1:
        atlas.labels = atlas.labels[1:]

    if t_r is None:
        t_r = 1

    index = pd.Index(np.arange(0,

    columns = pd.Index(atlas.labels,

    return pd.DataFrame(results,

[docs]def get_fmriprep_timeseries(fmriprep_folder, sourcedata_folder, atlas, atlas_type=None, low_pass=None, high_pass=1./128, confounds_to_include=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Extract time series for each subject, task and run in a preprocessed dataset in BIDS format, given all the ROIs in `atlas`. Currently only `fmriprep` outputs are supported. The `sourcedata_folder` is necessary to look up the TRs of the functional runs. Parameters ---------- fmriprep_folder: string Path to the folder that contains fmriprep'ed functional MRI data. sourcedata_folder: string Path to BIDS folder that has been used as input for fmriprep atlas: sklearn.datasets.base.Bunch This Bunch should contain at least a `maps`-attribute containing a label (3D) or probabilistic atlas (4D), as well as an `label` attribute, with one label for every ROI in the atlas. The function automatically detects which of the two is provided. It extracts a (weighted) time course per ROI. In the case of the probabilistic atlas, the voxels are weighted by their probability (see also the Mappers in nilearn). atlas_type: str, optional Can be 'labels' or 'probabilistic'. A label atlas should be 3D and contains one unique number per ROI. A Probabilistic atlas contains as many volume as ROIs. Usually, `atlas_type` can be detected automatically. low_pass: None or float, optional This parameter is passed to signal.clean. Please see the related documentation for details high_pass: None or float, optional This parameter is passed to signal.clean. Please see the related documentation for details confounds_to_include: list of strings List of confounds that should be regressed out. By default a limited list of confounds is regressed out: Namely, FramewiseDisplacement, aCompCor00, aCompCor01, aCompCor02, aCompCor03, aCompCor04, aCompCor05, X, Y, Z, RotX, RotY, and RotZ Examples -------- >>> source_data = '/data/ds001/sourcedata' >>> fmriprep_data = '/data/ds001/derivatives/fmriprep' >>> from nilearn import datasets >>> atlas = datasets.fetch_atlas_pauli_2017() >>> from nideconv.utils.roi import get_fmriprep_timeseries >>> ts = get_fmriprep_timeseries(fmriprep_data, source_data, atlas) >>> ts.head() roi Pu Ca subject task time 001 stroop 0.0 -0.023651 -0.000767 1.5 -0.362429 -0.012455 3.0 0.087955 -0.062127 4.5 -0.099711 0.146744 6.0 -0.443499 0.093190 """ if confounds_to_include is None: confounds_to_include = ['FramewiseDisplacement', 'aCompCor00', 'aCompCor01', 'aCompCor02', 'aCompCor03', 'aCompCor04', 'aCompCor05', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'RotX', 'RotY', 'RotZ'] index_keys = [] timecourses = [] for func, confounds, meta in _get_func_and_confounds(fmriprep_folder, sourcedata_folder): print("Extracting signal from {}...".format(func.filename)) confounds = pd.read_table(confounds.filename).fillna(method='bfill') tc = extract_timecourse_from_nii(atlas, func.filename, t_r=meta['RepetitionTime'], atlas_type=atlas_type, low_pass=low_pass, high_pass=high_pass, confounds=confounds[confounds_to_include].values) for key in ['subject', 'task', 'run', 'session']: if hasattr(func, key): tc[key] = getattr(func, key) if key not in index_keys: index_keys.append(key) timecourses.append(tc) timecourses = pd.concat(timecourses) timecourses = timecourses.set_index(index_keys, append=True) timecourses = timecourses.reorder_levels(index_keys + ['time']) return timecourses
def _make_psc(data): mean_img = image.mean_img(data) # Replace 0s for numerical reasons mean_data = mean_img.get_data() mean_data[mean_data == 0] = 1 denom = image.new_img_like(mean_img, mean_data) return image.math_img('data / denom[..., np.newaxis] * 100 - 100', data=data, denom=denom) def _get_func_and_confounds(fmriprep_folder, sourcedata_folder): from bids import BIDSLayout fmriprep_layout = BIDSLayout(fmriprep_folder) sourcedata_layout = BIDSLayout(sourcedata_folder) files = fmriprep_layout.get(extensions=['.nii', 'nii.gz'], modality='func', suffix='preproc') confounds = [] metadata = [] for f in files: kwargs = {} for key in ['subject', 'run', 'task', 'session']: if hasattr(f, key): kwargs[key] = getattr(f, key) c = fmriprep_layout.get(suffix='confounds', **kwargs) c = c[0] confounds.append(c) sourcedata_file = sourcedata_layout.get( modality='func', extensions='nii.gz', **kwargs) assert(len(sourcedata_file) == 1) md = sourcedata_layout.get_metadata(sourcedata_file[0].filename) metadata.append(md) return list(zip(files, confounds, metadata))